Spring Garden Refresh
For plant nurseries spring can be a CRAZY time of year when customers are ‘running around with their hair on fire’ trying to get their gardens into shape. While it’s true that spring is a great time for planting (and often a lovely time for being outside) it’s worth channelling some of that manic energy to get the absolute best results for your garden!
Putting your Stamp on a Garden
As a garden designer, to me the most beautiful gardens are those infused with the personalities of the owners. Usually, there are layers put into place by the previous owners too, and developing the garden is a kind of elaboration on existing patterns and themes.
Sustainability: How to Make a Beautiful Garden
What’s more lovely than spending time with friends outside with a drink in hand, seeing children playing in a garden, or local wildlife gathering around your very own pond? Gardens are at their best when they have a sense of beauty which goes beyond superficial appearances.
Ten Garden Design Tips
I’ve been designing gardens for over a decade now; here are a few very simple tips I’ve picked up along the way that make for great gardens…
Preparing the Garden for Winter
The magical sight of kangaroos bouncing through the snow comes as a complete surprise to many people; it’s just not what is associated with this beautiful ‘wide brown land’ we live in. Trentham’s bitterly cold winters put very specific pressures on the garden that are completely unfamiliar to most mainland Australians. What needs to be done to help get through this difficult time of year?
10 Tips for Reducing Garden Maintenance
1) Focus on Trees, Hedges, Lawn and Groundcovers: I usually locate more horticulturally-involved garden beds close to the house where they can be seen and enjoyed; in areas where you will spend less time minimise your workload by choosing low-maintenance options
Do Things Your Own Way
It fascinates me how skill is acquired in different ways when learning an artform; classical musicians with weekly lessons, painters working away in their studios etc.
The internet has made access to horticultural information easier than ever; but sifting through this information can be tricky as gardening is an incredibly site-specific art-form.
Flower Colour
Colour is one of the most subjective elements in garden design, and preferences have swung wildly since I entered the industry. There are lots of ways to make it work successfully, so I thought I’d outline some of the approaches I tend to take.
A Beautiful Summer Garden
To me, summer is the time when Australian gardens should be in their prime… Christmas entertaining followed by lazy days spent with friends and family. What can you do to maximise your garden as a beautiful space for outdoor living?